What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Our planet faces huge environmental, social and economic problems. In September 2015, all of the 193 member states of the United Nations adopted the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with the intention of solving these problems by 2030. SDGs are designed as a program to eradicate extreme poverty, to counter inequality and injustice and to save our planet from climate change. The program leaves no one behind and shows how to make living conditions and quality of life better for everybody in the world by 2030. SDGs clearly define the world in which we want to live.

Unlike previous Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), SDGs are designed for government needs but, at the same time, they are an opportunity for large global businesses as well as small and medium regional enterprises, including non-profit organizations, schools and cities, to show how they are helping through their businesses to fulfill the principles of sustainable development. SDGs oblige each of us to be responsible inhabitants of the planet who respect people and ecosystems and integrate sustainability into their daily activities. We have already managed to achieve a number of goals, some of them halfway, others require a lot of work.

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More about the SDGs

To see more information about each global goal, including good practice examples for each, click on the selected goal.

SDGs icons for download here